2017 / 05 / 01


Every Starlight Guide/Monitor must perform a recycle every 2 years, to be able to update contents and to be at the forefront, guaranteeing thus an adequate provision of the service which offers in the field of the astronomy and the star tourism.

To be able to renew its qualification, these Starlight Monitors and/or Guides, must meet two requirements:

They must attend at least 20% (12 hours for Monitors or 24 for the Guides) of classes, of any of the Courses which are held of training of new Starlight Monitors or Guides. The student must choose the issues which interest him/her the most in order to reinforce and combine the theory and/or practice. In the event of choosing theorical subjects, they will intend to provide the virtual attendance should he/she wish. Another option, if appropriate, is to perform a specific course of update of Starlight Monitors and/or Guides, when any territory suggests in coordination with the Starlight Foundation. 
Likewise, the hours of course in specialized seminars organized by the Starlight Foundation may be validated when this one thus determines.

Attendance at a specific course or seminar of the Starlight Foundation will compute for the exact number of hours of attendance to the course, knowing that it is not possible to fail more than 20% to obtain accreditation for it.

As of May 26, attendance at each Thursday session (Coffee with stars and/or Statlight Festival) will compute with 2 hours, that is, attendance at 6 Thursdays will serve to renew the card for the Monitors and 12 for the Guides.

Attendance at the Annual Starlight Meeting will serve to renew the card directly.

These hours are cumulative in the 2 years following completion of the course.

To fulfill the form included below and in which it is required for them the curricular information of each Starlight Monitor/Guide, in order to render accounts and to accredit the star tourism activities which develop and/or the attendance or participation in workdays, congresses, seminaries, workshops... related with this subject.


WARNING: Given the uncertainty generated by the COVID-19 and since we don´t know if this year 2020 will be able to call any edition of Courses, all those Monitors/Guides pending of renewing their qualification, will have a margin until the end of 2021.

Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
Coorporación 5