- Starlight Award in "Smart lighting and innovation”:
- Starlight Awd in "Astrotourism: the sky as an engine of sustainable development"
- Starlight Award in "Education and dissemination of astronomy":
- Starlight Award in “Best Starlight Accommodation”:
El Cielo de Muriel (Soria, España)
Lugar Nas Estrelas (Portugal)
- Starlight Recognition in "Astrotourism: the sky as an engine of sustainable development", astrotourism and business development linked to the protection of the night sky:
AstroAndalus (España)
NURARQ, Menorca Arqueológica i Cultural (Menorca, España)
- Starlight Recognition in "Education and dissemination of astronomy":
- Starlight Recognition in “Best Starlight Accommodation”:
4rd Starlight Awards and Recognitions ceremony will be held at the “The VI Starlight Meeting of Astrotourism” that will take place in Cuenca from october 18 to 20, 2023