Home / Definition - Starlight Stellar Parks

In 2010, the Starlight initiative launched the Stellar Parks campaign, together with Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) and other organizations. The idea is to promote and identify worldwide the existence of spaces in every town and city where the minimum conditions for the enjoyment of the starry sky are respected. Starlight Stellar Parks are a simple, permanent infrastructure installed in areas with a clear, dark sky. They allow leisure activities related to the contemplation of the stars and astronomical observation.
They are “viewpoints open to the sky”, promoted by governments, organizations or private entities to encourage interest in the contemplation of the heavens and astronomical knowledge among the public.
Stellariums are intended to facilitate the cultural and educational knowledge of the Universe and provide a basic tool to groups and associations of amateur astronomers for their observations.
These facilities can be located in places with good sky quality (Reserves / Destinations) or locations with a lower quality sky but with good conditions to for observation.
Those interested in starting the process must submit a completed Application Pack to fundacionstarlight@fundacionstarlight.org.