Qué son las certificaciones Starlight


The Starlight Foundation has created a certification system whereby those areas that have excellent sky quality and represent an example of protection and conservation are accredited.

They are scenarios that incorporate the observation of the sky as part of the natural, scenic, cultural or scientific heritage and encourage “Star Tourism” (i.e. astrotourism). The Starlight Certification allows, for the first time, to combine science and tourism. To this end, it uses astronomy and the observation of the firmament as a tool for a new modality of sustainable tourism.  

This System is based on the principles contained in the "Declaration on the Defense of the Night Sky and the Right to the Starlight" (La Palma Declaration, 2007).
Covenant of Majors: To give the Starlight certification, all the Town Halls included in the perimeter to be certified must adherence to the Declaration of La Palma.
Benefits of Starlight Certification:
benefits starlight ok
Starlight certification requires passing an audit process consisting of the evaluation of the following criteria:

- Environmental requirements (night and day sky quality) and requirements related to natural, cultural and scientific resources.

- Intelligent lighting strategies and innovation.

- Requirements related to technical resources, infrastructure and services.

- Quality and satisfaction on the supply side: government, private sector, scientific community, local community, Starlight astronomy monitors and guides, and other stakeholders.

- Strategy and management of starlight-related resources.

- Quality and user satisfaction on the demand side (tourists and civil society).

- Knowledge management (research, innovation, education and information).

- Starlight Program macro-management and feedback.

Review two years after certification and renewal every 4 years.

(Source: Starlight Foundation).


+34 922 31 51 40


Calle Vía Láctea S/N 38205 San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Tenerife, España

Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
Coorporación 5