Destinos turisticos


A Starlight Reserve is a protected natural area where a commitment to protecting the quality of the night sky and access to starlight is established. Its function is to preserve the quality of the night sky and the different associated values, whether cultural, scientific, astronomical, or the natural landscape. 
At the 2009 meeting of the Starlight Initiative, the ‘Starlight Reserves and World Heritage’ Working Group developed the concept of the ‘Starlight Reserve’.

Several specific types of Starlight Reserves have been identified and defined.

To date they cover the following categories:

  • Starlight Heritage Sites
  • Starlight Astronomy Sites
  • Starlight Natural Sites*
  • Starlight Landscapes
  • Starlight Oases - human habitats
  • Mixed Starlight Sites

*Case studies ICOMOS-IAU Thematic Study

A Starlight Reserve has several areas:

Core zone: This is where the conditions of natural illumination and night sky clarity are kept intact.
Buffer zone: The buffer zone is the protective area that surrounds the core zone in the face of possible adverse effects that may deteriorate the quality of the night sky. Buffer zones may include small human settlements and activity areas. A buffer zone or high-sensitivity zone is considered to be the entire nearby area with a direct view of the core zone, encompassing a safety contour in which it is ensured that the effects of light or air pollution do not affect the core zone.
External or general area: this is the area of general use where the population settlements that can influence the evolution of the quality of the night sky in the reserve as a whole. 

An area may be excluded from the scope of Starlight certification if it does not meet the requirements. This area could be incorporated into the certified scope in subsequent reviews if it demonstrates improvement and compliance.


Zoning of the Fuerteventura Starlight Reserve.

The requirements for a Starlight Reserve specifically address the features, peculiarities and functions of each space, which may relate to the preservation of the conditions for astronomical observation, the conservation of nature, the integrity of nocturnal landscapes or sites of cultural heritage.

The Starlight Reserve concept is accompanied in each case by a Participatory Action Plan and a set of recommendations aimed at preserving or restoring the quality of the night sky, taking into consideration the cultural, educational, scientific and environmental benefits.



+34 922 31 51 40

Calle Vía Láctea S/N 38205 San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Tenerife, España

Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
Coorporación 5