The present legal conditions are established by FUNDACIÓN CANARIA STRALIGHT PARA LA DIFUSIÓN DE LA ASTRONOMÍA (Starlight Canary Islands Foundation for the disclosure of Astronomy) hereinafter Starlight Foundation, with the aim of determining the criteria and conditions of use of the web page: http://fundacionstarlight.org/
Data of the Title Holder:
According to the provisions in the Law of Services of the Company of the information and Electronic Trade LSSICE 34/2002, Starlight Foundation, provides the data of the title holder of the present web page:
Identification and contact:
Starlight Foundation
NIF: G6504703
Domicile in: C/ Vía Láctea, s/n. 38205, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Telephone: 922 315 140
E-mail: fundacionstarlight@fundacionstarlight.org
Registered in the Protectorate of Canary Foundations
When accessing this web page, the navigator acquires the condition of user. With the access and use of this web page, the user accepts the conditions proposed in the present paragraph, in the version published at the moment in which he/she has access to the same. Starlight Foundation reserves the right to modify at any moment, its legal conditions, as well as performing any technical or visual improvement deemed adequate. In the event of the modifications being inferred in the privacy of the users, the entry into force of the changes will be notified previously.
You may know our privacy policy visiting the following link: https://fundacionstarlight.org/otros-contenidos/politica-de-privacidad/7.html
In this web there are links to third party pages, with the aim of facilitating further information about the issues treated in our section of news, to widen the information on activities of Starlight Foundation, and include information about our trustworthy collaborators and pages, as well as facilitating the access of the users to the profiles available in Starlight Foundation in the different social networks and platform services in internet.
Starlight Foundation only manages and is responsible for the web page www.fundacionstarlight.org. The links that appear in its web have been chosen with good faith, with due care, but under no concept is it responsible for the contents, offers and/or products and services which the user may find in the pages to which they are forwarded.
All the content of the web, design, applications, graphic content and multimedia, blog posts, written content from the different paragraphs, web development, logos, brands, products, and any other matter subject to hold intellectual and industrial property rights, mentioned or not in the previous list which is under enunciative title, not limited, are property of Starlight Foundation, or of third parties. It is not allowed the reproduction, whether total or partial, the copy, distribution, disclosure, transformation, trade, or any other activity which undermines the rights of the holder of the web, or holders of the intellectual or industrial property rights. The users may only make private use of this web.
When paying and making use of the web, the user accepts implicitly the following general conditions:
a) Intellectual property. The user will not be able to use the information contained here, neither the design, not its graphic content without the authorization of the holders of the web, or of the holders of the intellectual and industrial property rights. On the other hand, the intellectual and industrial property rights would be lacking.
a. The total reproduction is not allowed, neither total, nor partial of the contents of the web.
b. The use of the trade name, brand, image, neither logo of the Starlight Foundation is allowed.
c. If you want to reproduce or use the posts of the blog, the consent of the holder of the web must be requested.
b) The user will be responsible for the truthfulness of the data it provides and commits to communicate any change arising in them.
c) The acceptance of the installation of cookies is voluntary, the user must block them or get out of the page before its installation, which will take place after a prudential period of time after its access to the web.
d) The user is responsible for the comments performed in the posts of our blog, as well as the data which may reveal through them. We beg them not to publish personal or private information.
Data Protection: Starlight Foundation has established and implemented the measures of technical and organizational level needed to guarantee the security of the personal data provided by the user in such a manner that they prevent their modification, loss, treatment and//or non-authorized access, taking into account the technology, nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed, arising from human action or from the natural or physical environment.
The standards of the Spanish legal Regulation will be applicable.
Users: In the event of conflict, the Courts and Tribunals which will determine the issue, will be what the applicable legal regulation establishes: the address of the purchaser or the place of the compliance of the obligation.